We offer a variety of services to suit you and your Canine Companion's needs.
Remote Training
Live in a remote area? Social distancing? Get the benefits of real-time interaction regarding canine behavioral issues, including instructions, demonstrations, and real-time feedback, in the comfort of your home, from a qualified, experienced Canine Behavioral Coach team. We use simple technology to bring the training to your home, no matter where you are.
Private, In-Studio Training
Sessions can be done in the comfort of our training studio or out and about with personalized plans to fit your pet’s needs and your lifestyle.
Group Classes
Our classes have only up to 6 dogs (unless otherwise stated) and up to 2 experienced trainers so you get individual attention in a group setting.
Separation Anxiety Training
Separation Anxiety is an all too common issue among our Canine Companions. We provide training for dogs that have Separation Anxiety and Distress. You will have the support of a certified trainer in the comfort of your home at your convenience.
Happy Handling
Our specially designed program, Happy Handling, teaches your canine to accept or even enjoy handling for medical examinations, grooming, or other routine procedures.
Leash Reactivity
Walking a dog with leash reactivity can be challenging and even embarrassing, but it does not have to be that way. We can help you and your canine companion enjoy pleasant, uneventful walks without having to hide, dodge, or avoid other dogs or people.
Support Groups
We offer support groups for those struggling with their "special needs" pets.
All of our services come with our personal and professional attention to help you and your canine companion succeed. Need help deciding which type of training best suits your needs? Contact us and we will help you decide what is right for you.
Give the gift of a well-trained canine. All of our training packages are available as Gift Certificates!
Beth is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC) with the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), Aggression in Dogs certified specialist, an Elite Fear Free Certified Pet Professional, and an American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) trainer. Contact us for more information regarding getting your Canine Companion CGC certified!